Monday, October 13, 2008

This past weekend I was blessed to be able to spend the weekend with my youngest daughter at the YMCA Princess Fall Campout at Camp Grady Spruce, located on the shores of Possum Kingdom lake. We had a blast together.

Now, why would this be a real test of how out of shape I am? Well, I had NO idea of what was going to happen at this camp. I knew that we would ride horses, or at least my daughter would. But we also hiked! Oh man did we hike.

If you look at the picture below, you will see a tiny rock outcropping at the top of the hill. That little outcropping was 1,300 plus feet high.

Ok, so that didn't look too high. But this was not a paved walking track. Not at all. This was a very rocky, dirt path that wound upwards. There were places where I had to literally crawl up and climb rocks to make it.

But made it we did, my youngest daughter and me. As all the girls in my daughter's tribe said, we made it to "The Top of the World!"

I am very proud of my daughter, for making it up this hill and for all that she did this weekend. We had a lot of fun and had a lot of quality time together.

Now I need to find a camping place for me and my older daughter to go to.



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