Friday, January 16, 2009

I've Been Lazy Lately

I haven't posted in a while and it's mostly because of laziness. Yes I admit I am lazy. It's one reason I am fat.

I have begun walking around my neighborhood lately. The route I take is 1.1 miles and I am doing this in an average time of 30 minutes. I tend to do better in the gym on the treadmill, but it has been hard to get to the gym. It happens.

My eating has increased somewhat. I need to watch my portions more, especially at work. I need to watch my habits as the gains in weight loss will soon go away, and that is not what I want.

My weight however, has stayed the same so far. I am still at 346.

So here is to not having to start over, but continuing on that path to weightloss, onward to my goal of 230 and that spring triathlon.



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