Wednesday, November 12, 2008

November 12, 2008 Lunch

It really is a great day today isn't it? The clouds are parting, the sun is shining and for some reason, the HEAT is on in the building. So I have my own personal sauna today. Yea!

Lunch was a bowl of my wife's delicious Turkey Barley Chili (Thank you dear!)
500 Calories

Apple, large
127 Calories

Yogurt, light

total: 717

Now, I plan on having a snack around 2:30 so I will go ahead and put that here...


Cottage Cheese
90 Calories

127 Calories

Total for Snack

I am waiting on my wife to post her chili recipe on her blog so I can link it to this one. It is definitely worth the wait!



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